«British Bulldog» 2021-2022 для 9-11 класса: ответы


В среду 15 декабря 2021 года состоится XV международный игровой конкурс по английскому языку «British Bulldog» 2021-2022.

Подготовлено пять вариантов заданий: 2, 3–4, 5–6, 7–8 и 9–11 классы. Вариант заданий для участников из 2-х и 3–4-х классов состоит из 30 вопросов, для участников других возрастных групп из 45. На каждый вопрос нужно выбрать один из четырех вариантов ответов. Время на выполнение заданий – 45 минут.

Предлагаем вашему вниманию вопросы и ответы на конкурс «Британский бульдог» 2021-2022 для учеников 9, 10 и 11 классов.

Ответы на конкурс “Британский бульдог” 2021-2022 для учеников 9-11 классов

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions

1) For how long did the adventure last?

  • A) A week
  • B) More than two months
  • C) A year
  • D) More than three weeks

Ответ: D

2) Why did the guys have to shorten their journey? They had no …

  • A) time and health
  • B) desire and opportunity
  • C) money and energy
  • D) interest and transport

Ответ: C

3) How did they travel?

  • A) On foot
  • B) By plane
  • C) By ship
  • D) By train

Ответ: C

4) Why did the young people agree on their route beforehand? To avoid …

  • A) criticism
  • B) disappointment
  • C) quarrels
  • D) pleasure

Ответ: C

5) Why did they have to change some of their plans? They found out the place was …

  • A) insecure
  • B) not worth visiting
  • C) notorious
  • D) too crowded

Ответ: B

6) Where did they prefer to sleep?

  • A) In tents
  • B) At hotels
  • C) At hostles
  • D) On the train

Ответ: D

7) What was wrong with the young man’s tent? It …

  • A) was stuffy inside
  • B) didn’t protect from the rain
  • C) was too big
  • D) was very expensive

Ответ: B

8) What did the young man do to avoid robbery? He put his passport and money …

  • A) under the pillow
  • B) in his boots
  • C) in his rucksack
  • D) in his sleeping bag

Ответ: D

9) What are the guys doing to prepare for their next adventure? They are …

  • A) studying the maps
  • B) buying necessary thing
  • C) saving money
  • D) discussing their route

Ответ: C

10) What do they think is the advantage of sleeping on the train? It is …

  • A) enjoyable
  • B) expensive and comfortable
  • C) unusual
  • D) inexpensive and comfy

Ответ: D

Read the text and answer the questions

11) What does «to feel blue» mean? I’m …

  • A) happy
  • B) excited
  • C) shocked
  • D) sad

Ответ: D

12) What did scientists write about colours many years ago? They could …

  • A) insult people
  • B) change people
  • C) treat people
  • D) inspire people

Ответ: C

13) What colour did the sunlight transform into in ancient Egyptian temples?

  • A) Yellow
  • B) Red
  • C) White
  • D) Pink

Ответ: B

14) On what condition could the sunlight transform into that colour? The sunlight shone through the …

  • A) water
  • B) mud
  • C) pebbles
  • D) precious stones

Ответ: D

15) What does the expression «colour therapy» imply?

  • A) Healing people
  • B) Amusing people
  • C) Charming people
  • D) Entertaining people

Ответ: A

16) Which colours are said to combat stress?

  • A) Red and pink
  • B) Blue and orange
  • C) Green and blue
  • D) White and green

Ответ: C

17) Where are such colours mostly used?

  • A) In cafés
  • B) In blocks of flats
  • C) In banks
  • D) In hospitals

Ответ: D

18) Who supposes that colours can lighten our mood?

  • A) Nobody
  • B) Surgeons
  • C) Dentists
  • D) Therapists

Ответ: D

19) What symptoms of different deseases can colours help cure?

  • A) Headaches
  • B) Sleeplessness,
  • C) Madness
  • D) Allergies

Ответ: B

20) Do the colours affect our emotions, according to the text?

  • A) No, not at all
  • B) There is no research
  • C) No, by no means
  • D) Yes, it’s highly possible

Ответ: D



21) He will never forget … his friend in Paris.

  • A) meet
  • B) met
  • C) meeting
  • D) will meet

Ответ: C

22) By the time we reach home, the rain …

  • A) stops
  • B) will be stopped
  • C) will stopped
  • D) will have stopped

Ответ: D

23) I regret not accepting that new job. I wish I …

  • A) taking it
  • B) will take it
  • C) won’t take it
  • D) had taken it

Ответ: D

24) … it was late, he decided to call his friend.

  • A) However
  • B) Though
  • C) Until
  • D) In spite

Ответ: B

25) The grass in the garden needs …

  • A) cutting
  • B) cutted
  • C) be cut
  • D) to cut

Ответ: A

26) My colleague wants …

  • A) you to stay here
  • B) that you stay here
  • C) you stay here
  • D) you staying here

Ответ: A

27) I can’t drive my car because it… fixed at the moment.

  • A) has being
  • B) was
  • C) is
  • D) is being

Ответ: D

28) The problem is she … to driving on the left. She keeps making mistakes.

  • A) isn’t use
  • B) isn’t used
  • C) used
  • D) get used

Ответ: B

29) … being late he managed to complete the test.

  • A) Despite of
  • B) In spite
  • C) In spite of
  • D) Though

Ответ: C

30) Why do you always blame him … something goes

  • A) whoever
  • B) whenever
  • C) wherever
  • D) however

Ответ: B

Find the words which suit these definitions. They all begin with Self

31) Working for yourself.

  • A) made
  • B) employed
  • C) proclaimed
  • D) evident

Ответ: B

32) A drawing or description that you do of yourself.

  • A) portrait
  • B) destruction
  • C) denial
  • D) respect

Ответ: A

33) Something you do to protect yourself or your property.

  • A) help
  • B) critical
  • C) rule
  • D) defence

Ответ: D

34) The ability to make yourself do things you ought to do.

  • A) pity
  • B) sorrow
  • C) discipline
  • D) esteem

Ответ: C

35) Having taught yourself by reading books, etc.

  • A) satisfied
  • B) willed
  • C) proclaimed
  • D) educated

Ответ: D

36) Respect for or a favourable opinion of oneself.

  • A) criticism
  • B) expression
  • C) esteem
  • D) help

Ответ: C

37) Confidence in the validity, value, etc, b1 one’s own ideas, etc.

  • A) command
  • B) conceit
  • C) assurance
  • D) assertion

Ответ: C

38) When you decide not to do or have something you want or need, in order to help someone else.

  • A) sacrifice
  • B) determination
  • C) interest
  • D) possession

Ответ: A

39) The feeling of being sorry for yourself because you think people have treated you badly.

  • A) help
  • B) pity
  • C) respect
  • D) knowledge

Ответ: B

40) Worried and embarrassed about what other people think of you.

  • A) conscious
  • B) seeking
  • C) inflicted
  • D) defeating

Ответ: A

British Prime Ministers

41) This Prime Minister won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

  • A) Boris Johnson
  • B) Margaret Thatcher
  • C) Theresa May
  • D) Winston Churchill

Ответ: D

42) This person was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century.

  • A) Harold Wilson
  • B) Winston Churchill
  • C) Boris Johnson
  • D) Margaret Thatcher

Ответ: D

43) It is the official residence of the British prime ministers.

  • A) 10 Downing Street
  • B) Buckingham Palace
  • C) Scotland Yard
  • D) Westminster Palace

Ответ: A

44) He defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo and later became the Prime Minister of the UK.

  • A) William Lamb
  • B) Arthur Wellesley
  • C) John Major
  • D) David Cameron

Ответ: B

45) This Prime Minister was often called «the British Bulldog.»

  • A) John Major
  • B) Winston Churchill
  • C) Tony Blair
  • D) Harold Wilson

Ответ: B

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